When Is It Time to Seek Help for the Young Person in Your Life? (Part Two)

Portions of this article are excerpted and adapted from the upcoming book Hope Against Hope, authored by Renascent’s Clinical Director Michael Lochran and consulting Psychotherapist Laura Cavanagh. Hope Against Hope is scheduled for publication later this year. Adolescence and early adulthood are developmental periods of particularly high risk for the development of substance use and … Continued


When Is It Time to Seek Help for the Young Person in Your Life? (Part One)

Portions of this article are excerpted and adapted from the upcoming book Hope Against Hope, authored by Renascent’s Clinical Director Michael Lochran and consulting Psychotherapist Laura Cavanagh. Hope Against Hope is scheduled for publication later this year. Addiction is a progressive neurological disorder, characterized by a loss of control over one’s drinking or using behaviour, … Continued