To support you with the process of entering our intensive inpatient treatment program, here is some information about what to bring and expect for your stay.
Centre Location:
- Double-check the location of your treatment centre. Renascent has four treatment centres. The name and address of the treatment centre you will be attending is located in your admission letter.
- Bring your valid health card number.
- Bring the record that you have taken your daily dose of Methadone or Suboxone, or any other Opiate Agonist Therapy, if applicable.
- If you are on medications, please bring a supply to last the duration of your stay, in their original containers.
Please note, all clients attend a medical assessment with our physician(s) while in treatment. Our Physicians may review and add/adjust medications while you are in treatment.

Do bring:
- Towels and washcloth
- Cigarettes for the duration of your stay, if you smoke
- Toiletries (toothbrush, shampoo, soap, shaving gear, etc.)
- Cell phone/laptop/tablet or quarters for the payphone or phone cards for use. Note that phone use is limited to a maximum of one hour per day.
- Seasonal outerwear and footwear
- Comfortable and appropriate clothing and footwear for indoor use (casual dress is fine).
- Clients currently on bail are to bring their bail papers.
- $200 to cover transportation costs to recovery meetings in the community.
Do not bring:
- Please do not bring valuables. Renascent is not responsible for the loss or damage of these items. If any of your belongings require safe keeping, please let an addictions counsellor know upon admission.
- Personal vehicles
- Addictive and/or mood altering substances. Learn more about “Preparing for Treatment: Abstinence from Substances”
- Personal blankets, pillows
- Sharp instruments/weapons
- Visitation is restricted. Personal items may be dropped off if pre-arranged with staff.
Attend Family Care Program Meeting
Family Care Alumni Support Group Meetings
For alumni of Family Care programs
Every Tuesday, 7 p.m. Zoom.
Meeting ID: 939 7054 5262
Password: 909376
Dial by your location