Pre-Treatment Support
You can attend support and relapse prevention groups, receive medical care that is addiction specific, as well as mental health services and case management, just to name a few.
There are several agencies and services in our network that may be able to support you. If none of these are accessible for you, ask your assessment counsellor for resources in your area.
24/7 Online Recovery Support
Breaking Free is a free online support tool that is completely confidential and can be accessed 24/7 on any desktop, tablet or smartphone. It is available to help Ontarians ages 16 and older reduce or stop the use of over 70 substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs, including opioids.
Medical Services/Withdrawal Management Services
- RAAM (Rapid Access Addiction Medicine) Clinics are located throughout Ontario to assist clients with diagnosis, withdrawal medications, brief counselling, etc. Google “RAAM (Rapid Access Addiction Medicine) Clinic near me” to find your nearest one.
- CAMH Medical Withdrawal Services: 416-535-8501, press 2
- Central Access Withdrawal Management Services (Toronto): 1-866-366-9513
- Pinewood Addiction Services Withdrawal Management (Oshawa): 905-723-8195
- Brampton Withdrawal Management Services: 905-456-3500

Support Groups
Mental Health
- Mental Health Helpline, toll-free: 1-866-531-2600
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Toronto Community Addiction Team (for frequent users of Withdrawal Management or Emergency Room services): 416-353-4331
- Fred Victor Concurrent Disorders Support Services: 416-364-8228, ext. 336
- Free PTSD support
- Pre Treatment beds (for men only) Ozanam House 416 762-4195; DARE 416-869-3619 ext. 299 or 309
- Safe Beds (Men and Women) 416-248-4174
- Shelter Central Intake 1-877-338-3398
- Shelter and Support (Toronto): 2-1-1
Wellness & Counselling
- Canadian Addictions Counsellors Certification Federation Live 1-1 Addictions Counselling
- Free meditation app: “Down Dog“
- Meditation and mindfulness app
- Free online wellness course (CMHA)
- Free resources for anxiety – Anxiety Canada
- Free video courses for anxiety – Jody Moore
- Free digital mental health program through Beacon
- Guides to help navigate through mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic – Mental Health Commission of Canada
- WellBriety Indigenous Recovery
- St. Michael’s Coordinated Access: 1-855-505-5045
- Arise Ministries (Single Mothers)
- Renascent Access Centre: 1-866-232-1212
- Your Employer’s Employee Assistance Program, Employment Insurance, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, or Case Worker