Group addiction counselling sessions
The stigma surrounding substance abuse can lead to a huge sense of isolation and shame. At Renascent you’ll find that you are not alone.
As part of your Inpatient or Outpatient treatment program, you’ll attend daily group addiction counselling with others who share your experience, your feelings, and your hopes for the future. Right now you may feel a bit worried about group addiction counselling, but almost all of our clients have said that they found this part of treatment to be the most rewarding aspect of the program.
Individual addiction counselling
As part of our person-centred approach during your inpatient or outpatient treatment program, we won’t assign you a specific therapist; you’ll be able to choose the person you feel most comfortable with for one-on-one sessions.
In fact, you may have one-on-one sessions with any of our clinicians at any time. All of our front line clinicians are not only addiction experts, but they also have their own history of alcohol or drug addiction and long-term recovery. They truly understand where you’re at because they have been there themselves.
At Renascent you’ll find that you are not alone. We offer rehab addiction counselling services for individuals and families.
Contact us today to find out which program is best for you!
Family addiction counselling services and support
Our Essential Family Care Programs help those closest to you, including children, to heal in partnership with you, using the same principles you’ve learned, so you’re all on the same page and working toward common goals.
Learn more about Renascent’s Essential Family Care Programs.
Peer support meetings
Canada’s National Addiction Treatment Strategy recognizes the immense value of peer support in staying clean and sober. At Renascent, you’ll be able to experience how this works by attending 12-step meetings both in-house and in the community.
This will build on your experience in our group sessions in the larger 12-step recovery community — a vital component of long-term success. AA isn’t your thing? We also provide an opportunity to experience other peer-based support programs, like SMART Recovery.
Find out which counselling program is right for you. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation with one of our trained counsellors.