Perspective: The end of isolation

by Bill C. Prior to coming to Alcoholics Anonymous, I had no honest insight or clarity concerning my self-destructive behaviours. My relationship with the world had been distorted and somewhat delusional. Little or no meaningful personal relationships or true friendships with my family, and many regrets, kept me apart from instead of a part of. … Continued


Perspective: Recognizing Myself in You

Through all of my drinking days, I never got enough. Not enough attention, not enough love, not enough understanding – not enough of anything. I always wanted more. More of what, I couldn’t have told you at the time. I didn’t even know that this was my story, because I was stuck in it – but my story it was until I found recovery.


The Story

At an AA meeting, you hear people tell their stories. These are often stories of great dereliction culminating in hope and gratitude. In group and individual sessions, patients talk about their hopes, dreams, and fears. Why is telling “The Story” so important?


Video: This World is Made of Stories

“The poets say that this world is not made of atoms; it is made of stories … Sometimes in a world that is changing so rapidly the only security is in finding the elements of one’s own story and understanding the world through the story that brought each one of us here.”

Storyteller and mythologist Michael Meade on the meaning of stories in our lives.