Practising Honesty in Recovery

You can’t choose your feelings. They just happen. Life happens and then feelings and emotions arise — and you’re left to deal with them. In recovery. This can be difficult, especially if you’re used to medicating those feelings and emotions away instead of actually feeling them.


Self-Care: Why Does It Matter?

Transforming unhelpful ways of living is different for everyone. For one person, a commitment to not work so many hours a week may be the key to restoring harmony in his life and relationships. For another, the answer may lie in her reducing the inordinate amount of time wasted texting, tweeting or Facebook surfing instead of engaging in authentic face-to-face interactions. If we can begin by allocating even 5-10 minutes a day to fuel our mind with a healthier stillness diet, it will do wonders in no time – not only in how we feel, but in how our brain gets rewired … and our priorities too.


The Stages of Relapse

Relapse is a process, it’s not an event. In order to understand relapse prevention you have to understand the stages of relapse. Relapse starts weeks or even months before the event of physical relapse. In this article you will learn how to use specific relapse prevention techniques for each stage of relapse.


Perspective: The Gift of Desperation

Despite memorizing and saying the Step Three prayer every day and following my sponsor’s suggestion that I read Step Three in the 12 & 12 every day for 30 days, I still was staked around the “perpendicular pronoun” I-I-I … the thing that I’m told makes up the ISM in alcoholism: I – Self – Me.


Perspective: Moving Out of the Fog

Since the brain injury, I can only think about one thing at a time. I have to take things slower, step by step. Before my injury, everything was fast…Now if I have to do something I need to plan it out and take it one step at a time. If I look at the whole picture at once, it’s too much to digest. Everything is one step at a time.