Perspective: Sobriety Under All Conditions

Here it was early April and I was worried about Christmas that year – and I was just 10 days sober. I was asking myself: What was I thinking when I made the decision to quit drinking? Was I in my right mind, could/would I stick to that commitment? Was my drinking really that bad? Entertaining these questions, I honestly felt I had gone insane.


Alumni Perspective: All Bets Are Off!

Today my life is truly a miracle. I am so humbly grateful, and I am really great. I attend at least four meetings a week. I have been taught that the successful people in AA., who stay sober, attend regular meetings. I practice the principle “live and let live”. I am one of the lucky ones that “get it”


Alumni Perspective: Welcome Home

In my mind and in my heart, I had a deep-down good feeling about myself for the first time in a long time. It was a wonderful feeling of well-being. Of new possibilities. I felt that I was, finally, out from under that endless, relentless craving that had been running — and ruining — my life for the past 10 to 12 years.