Video: Addiction in the Workplace

Addiction in the workplace is more prevalent than you might think. There are a lot of very high-functioning individuals who are employed, and their addiction often affects their workplace in a multitude of ways, from employee morale to the businesses’ financial bottom line.


Video: Step Two Guided Meditation

Here’s a short guided meditation to help you relax as well as re-focus your thoughts on the second step of the twelve steps of recovery. This meditation helps people who are in recovery from addiction focus on healthy thoughts, dismissing the addictive thoughts.


Video: Step 2 – Higher Power and Restoration

When we fully understand our powerlessness — that our best thinking got us to this miserable, unmanageable place — then we’re almost forced to acknowledge that if other people are getting well, that there might be a power greater then ourselves that could restore us to sanity. Even your group is a power greater than yourself!


Video: Step Two

Once we go through from Step 1, sometimes we’re encouraged but most of the time we’re battered, beaten down, and bruised because we’ve had to admit that we’re powerless and our life had become unmanageable. That’s hard to do, but once we get there we need to begin to have some hope, and that’s what Step … Continued


Video: Honesty and Integrity

To be honest with oneself is the most difficult thing to do, because we have this little design flaw called the ego that has us be able to hide from ourselves and deny some of our own behaviours and our own flaws.