Youth in Recovery

Today is International Youth Day, and so this week we are focusing on the youth in our community. Young people and their loved ones can reach out to Renascent any time for a free and confidential consultation with one of our counsellors. Renascent offers treatment to youth 16+ in our centres. CAMH also has this page … Continued


Young Adults Should Look for 12-Step Groups With Peers

Young people who are looking to start participating in a 12-step program should, whenever possible, begin with meetings that are specially designated for young people, to help them feel connected and engaged. After this initial engagement, however, young adults may find it more beneficial to branch out to more mixed-age meetings. Older people are more likely to have long-term sobriety, and generally have greater life experience and wisdom.


Men in Recovery – Celebrating Father’s Day

Addiction is a disease that doesn’t discriminate – it strikes people of all ages, genders, religions, sexual orientations, ethnic groups, socio-economic classes, and so on – yet statistically speaking, addiction is more common among men. In fact, males are twice as likely to report battling substance abuse and dependency issues as women. This makes it … Continued


The Forest and the Trees

I worked the job I love (when I’m not hating it), and I was able to be there for my family. There’s the forest. And the forest is only beautiful through the trees which make it up, something a friend reminded me today.


How To Celebrate Mother’s Day If Your Mom Has Passed

If your mom has passed, there’s really no reason why you can’t still honor her on Mother’s Day. There’s an old saying: “Grief is just love with nowhere to go.” Here are some ways you can celebrate your mom’s memory and give that love somewhere to go.


Video: Children Can Learn About Addiction

When I look at a group of kids and I say, “If I gave you a stick of gum, could you chew it just once?” and they all say, “Oh, no.” And then I say, “Well, that’s just what it’s like for mom (or dad)” and then their eyes get big, and they’re like, “Oh, that’s hard!” And they get it.

Christine McNichol, Renascent children’s program counsellor, shares insights on helping children in families impacted by addiction.