Meet Rajarshi Bhattacharjee (Raj). He is Renascent’s Regional Coordinator for Breaking Free, a free online recovery support tool designed to help people recovering from addiction develop coping skills and access resources. We caught up with Raj to learn more about him, his role and Breaking Free.
- 1) What brought you to Renascent?
After moving from India to Canada, Renascent was my first employer. I did my internship at Renascent and the staff there were one of the first families I had in this country.
- 2) Tell us about your role at Renascent?
Everyday, I have the opportunity to connect with professionals across Toronto to discuss how we can spread awareness and make Breaking Free more available to people who need it.
I possess a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Psychology, have focused on psycho-analytical psychology, and have studied mental health and addictions. I find having this background is very helpful to my role, as it helps me understand the challenges clients face and the various treatment modalities that are used to aid addiction recovery.
- 3) Why are you passionate about your role?
Members of my family have struggled with addictions and mental health issues. I have seen the impact of addictions on individuals and families, and have dedicated my career to helping those who are still struggling.
- 4) Why is Breaking Free an important addiction support tool?
Breaking Free is available at no cost to anyone who would like additional support throughout their recovery. The tool gives you proven behaviour change techniques, helps you manage high-risk situations, and can be used to support you in every stage of recovery. Whether you are new in your journey, or have been in recovery for years, everyone can benefit from this customizable tool.
Breaking Free is easy to use and completely confidential. If you think you’d benefit from this tool, visit: