By Cody, Renascent Alumni
When I completed my Twelfth Step and started to apply the Steps into my daily living, life started to get better and the promise stated to come true. I was no longer a “bad” son. I became an even better father. I showed up the way my kids need me; the way they deserve and became someone they could count on. I became a proud member of society and to my fellows .
When things in life get hard, I no longer have to turn to drugs to escape. I now have the tools to deal with life on life terms. I know I have to give back what was so freely giving to me to someone new to the program. So I became willing to take others through the steps even though I haven’t had the opportunity to take anyone through all of the Twelve Steps as yet.
I would give back by going to my alumni meetings to share my experience of being in Renascent with the guys that are in the house now. That allows them to see that I recovered and was were they are. When asked to chair meetings, I made sure I did so. I got involved in my home group and made it a point to give back. When asked to go in to a detox centre to share my story, and I gladly did so. I go to any length to give back because none of this would have been possible if I didn’t join recovery and complete my Twelve Steps.