How much does rehab cost in Ontario?

A note on language: We do not refer to Renascent addiction treatment programs as “rehab”, however we recognize that people use this term as they look for help for themselves or their loved ones. Read more on person-first language here. It’s important to find the right treatment program. You may find yourself asking how much … Continued


How Routines Help You Stay in Recovery

Routines are integral to a healthy life regardless of how old you are. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by life’s many demands. Establishing a daily routine allows you to set aside time to take care of yourself, your loves ones, and accomplish tasks on your to-do list. Why routines are important During early recovery, finding … Continued


Terry’s Story: One Step at a Time

In a recovery journey spanning over twenty years, Terry has learned a few things about persistence, commitment, surrender – and himself. “I’ve attended multiple programs and relapsed several times,” he says. But while he always thought ‘the next time would be different,’ it wasn’t until he embraced the spiritual aspect of recovery that things truly … Continued