Step 2: 12 Step Program

A note on language. At Renascent, we help people recover from substance use addiction and integrate 12-Step facilitation into our programming. We recognize that the substances our clients are recovering from and the 12-Step groups they connect with may vary. Throughout our website you may see general terms relating to the 12 Steps, as we are inclusive of all recovery programs, including AA, CA, and OA.

“Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” 

Willingness to pursue your recovery journey

If you are even vaguely familiar with the 12 Steps, you’ll know that progressing through each step requires some degree of open-mindedness. The idea of being open-minded can feel like something distant and maybe something that isn’t attainable. But luckily, with Step 2 a core focus is being open-minded and having hope. Even during times where you may feel overwhelmed, this step allows you to explore the opportunity for growth and healing. At Renascent, we are here to help support you as you go through these steps. 

Letting go of uncertainty

By allowing yourself room for a higher power you are letting go of uncertainty. With Step 2, you are opening up yourself to being willing to accept help from someone other than yourself. This can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it is important to remain “open” to this notion during this step. Asking for help is related to having hope, in something or someone.

The Relationship between Open-mindedness and Willingness

Open-mindedness is not about agreeing with everything or abandoning your beliefs—it’s about being willing to explore new ideas and perspectives. This willingness becomes a foundation for resilience. On days when it feels hard to trust the process, open-mindedness helps us stay curious instead of closing ourselves off.

Surround yourself with people who encourage you to explore new possibilities, who challenge you in supportive ways, and who celebrate your willingness to grow. With every small step, you strengthen your capacity for change and your belief in the journey ahead.

Embracing Open-Mindedness: The Key to Growth

One of the most powerful aspects of embracing open-mindedness is discovering the freedom it brings. When we approach life with a willingness to listen, learn, and consider new perspectives, we open doors to possibilities we may have never imagined. Open-mindedness reminds us that we don’t have to have all the answers right now—and that’s okay. Growth often starts with the simple recognition that there’s more to learn and experience.

This mindset creates room for connection. By listening to others’ experiences and viewpoints, we begin to see life through a broader lens. We find common ground in unexpected places and gain new insights that can inspire change. Open-mindedness allows us to let go of judgment and embrace the shared humanity that binds us together.

Step 2 is one of Adrian’s favorites, but he couldn’t fully embrace it until he truly understood Step 1. He once thought Step 1 was just about admitting powerlessness over alcohol and drugs, but he later realized it’s also about acceptance. For years, Adrian knew he had a problem but stayed in denial. Without acceptance, he couldn’t surrender, and without surrender, Step 2 was out of reach. He repeated the cycle—getting clean, taking his will back, and inevitably relapsing. It wasn’t until he fully accepted his reality that he could believe in a power greater than himself and begin to heal. For newcomers, Adrian encourages keeping an open mind—true recovery starts with acceptance. Read Adrian’s story.

Taking the Second Step

Admitting that we don’t know everything takes courage—it’s humbling and sometimes uncomfortable. But this moment of surrender is where the real transformation begins. Step 2 challenges us to believe in something beyond ourselves, whether that’s a higher power, the wisdom of a supportive community, or simply the idea that there’s a path forward we might not see yet.  You don’t have to define the power, it doesn’t require a name, face, shape, or anything else for that matter.  Hope comes in multiple forms.  You can ‘borrow’ from another person in recovery, use nature, or anything else.  

Practicing open-mindedness means being willing to try something different, even if it feels unfamiliar or daunting. It might look like asking for guidance, taking advice, or considering an approach we once resisted. Every time we take a chance on open-mindedness, we invite growth into our lives and affirm that change is possible.

With us at Renascent, you can start your recovery journey. Learn more about our programs or contact us to get started. 

About the Authors

Renascent Staff
The staff at Renascent is passionate about helping people with substance addictions so they can reach their full recovery – with compassion, respect, empathy and understanding. Our staff includes our counsellors, all of whom have lived experience of addiction and recovery.