Practices to help keep people with substance use disorders safe


Renascent provides addiction treatment programs and services. Those reading should be aware that the content of this blog may contain triggering subjects for people in recovery, or people experiencing misuse with substances. The topics discussed in this blog involve safe consumption sites and overdose prevention.

Here at Renascent, we service all of Ontario. This blog post is not meant to be medical advice, rather as a source of education and resources provided from Toronto Public Health. 

Please review Toronto Public Health’s drug alerts and drug advisories for the most up to date drug advisories, and alerts.   

Keeping People Who Use Substances Safe

At Renascent, we help people recover from substance use disorders. While our methodologies are abstinence-based, we believe there are many paths to recovery and that people who still consume substances are to be protected from harm and supported. Below are a few suggestions that can help people with substance use disorders and those who do not wish to be abstinent in the City of Toronto. 

Safer Drug Practices in Toronto
If you, or someone you know is using drugs be sure to properly dispose of any sharps. 

A “sharp” is referred to as any tool that has a sharp edge or point. These tools can range from but are not limited to, syringes, EpiPens, infusion sets, and auto injectors. 

When handling sharps during drug use, it is important to safely and properly dispose of them to protect yourself and others. Properly disposing of them does not mean throwing sharps into the trash, recycling or flushed into toilets. 

If you are using drugs, and are looking for sites to dispose of your sharps, or sharps you find in the community, please review the Needle Drop Box locations in Toronto

Get a Free Naloxone Kit

What is Naloxone? Naloxone is an opioid antidote that can reverse the potentially fatal effects of a drug overdose. 

Naloxone kits are available at Toronto Public Health and The Works. Additionally, many pharmacies are available to provide free naloxone kits. You can call 1-800-565-8603 for more information on where to find free Naloxone kits in Ontario. 

Drug Use Safety Plan 

If you are using alone, please ensure that you have a drug safety plan. 

A safety plan when you’re using can consist of getting somebody to check on you by giving you a call, or visiting you in person. Another option is to call the National Overdose Response Service at 1-888-688-NORS (6677) for support when you are using drugs alone. 

You can also connect with other community members when using drugs virtually through the Brave App 

Give your support person this 5 Step Overdose Response plan from Toronto Public Health. 

  1. 1) Shout their name and Shake them
  2. 2) If unresponsive call 911 
  3. 3) Administer Naloxone 
  4. 4) Start CPR 
  5. 5) If there is no improvement within 2-3 minutes, repeat steps 3 and 4. 

Make sure that you stay with your person until help arrives. 

Check Your Drugs

Your safety is a priority when it comes to drug use. It is important to know if your drugs have substances you are unaware of. You can use a drug checking service in Toronto to stay safe, use Toronto’s Drug Checking Service  to stay up to date with the latest drug alerts.

We are providing this article as a resource for safe drug consumption in Toronto, and is not intended as medical advice but as a tool to help navigate safe drug consumption in Toronto. 

Safe Injection Sites Toronto

If possible, use a supervised consumption site. A supervised consumption site would provide a safe, and clean space for people to use drugs under the supervision of trained staff. The goal of safe injection sites is to prevent overdose, the spread of infectious diseases as well as increasing public safety. 

Learn more about safe consumption sites. 

About the Authors

Renascent Staff
The staff at Renascent is passionate about helping people with substance addictions so they can reach their full recovery – with compassion, respect, empathy and understanding. Our staff includes our counsellors, all of whom have lived experience of addiction and recovery.