Michael’s Perspective: Step 3

By Michael G, Renascent Alumni Step 3 of the 12-step recovery program asks us to ‘…turn our will and our lives over to the care of God/our Higher Power, as we understood him/them’. When I initially read through the 12 Steps, I immediately made a mental note that Step 3 was a no-go for me. … Continued


Giuseppe’s Story: A revelation and a recovery grounded in perseverance

It’s impossible to know by just looking, the number of twists and turns that make up a person’s recovery journey. This is true for Renascent’s own Giuseppe Mercuri. After nine overdoses and ten stints in treatment, this year Giuseppe is celebrating eight years in recovery and seven years as a Renascent addictions counsellor. Giuseppe remembers … Continued


Sue’s Story: A Dose of Humility Brought Plenty Freedom

By Sue F, Renascent Alumni HUMILITY (noun); TO BE FREE from pride and arrogance (Meaning taken from Webster’s dictionary) a. Pride (noun); self satisfaction in one’s achievements 2. Self esteem b. Arrogance (noun); an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assessments  When I volunteered to write about humility, I needed … Continued